The European Peoples Institute –Basque Foundation has made it a point to “think globally and work locally” in implementing its policies. In line with this principle, the Foundation has been studying, researching and gathering significant data over a hundred European Peoples.

As a result of these studies, the Foundation has drawn up and published a map – the only one to compare with the map published by the Society of Nations in 1918 – featuring the reality of the Peoples of Europe today, together with a book tht serves as a guide to the map, both of which have merited high praise from the European Parliament, UNESCO and other international organisations. Follwing on this first effort, the Foundation has now brought out in three languages (English, Spanish and Basque) a new volumen providing further detailed information on each of the European Peoples. Through this guide, readers can learn about such things as the history, geography, language, economy and major statistics of the less well-known Peoples in their midst. All the information contained in the book has been throughly researhed and carefully presented, making this one of the most complete and reliable tolos ever published in a single volumen.
In addition, the European Peoples Institute has aldo produced, with the technical collaboration of the Multimedia Group Ihardun, a twenty-minute educatin tape in the Basque Country, designed particulary for classroom use with students between the ages of the sixteen. This video tape is a prototype for a future series eventually to be brought out on each of the hungred Peoples of Europe. The idea is for each video tape to be accompanied by an open, suggestive teaching guide.
Without overlooking the public at large, the Foundation sees the educational world as of its top priorities, and therefore has focused much of its activity on the development of essentials teaching tolos. In line with this policy and encouraged by other international institutions, the Foundation recently signed a Collaboration Agreement with the University of Mondragon – specifically with its Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.
This agreement will enable the twoo Institutions to conduct further rigorous, scientific reasearch on the realities of the Peoples of Europe, and to develop esssential materials necessary for making this knowledge available to schools and the general public